Bed Bug Control, Eradication and Extermination
Early detection is vital in a comprehensive bed bug control service. Once they’re established, they can spread quickly, requiring more timely and powerful control measures.
After the inspection is fully completed, Ecoguard will present to you the bed bug treatment options available and recommend the best solution for the situation.
Different treatment options are recommended depending on multiple factors, including the type of property, size of the infestation and customer preferences for non-chemical treatment.
Once a solution is selected, the treatment will be carried out by a licensed professional on an agreed upon date.
Our innovative range of treatment options treat bed bugs in your home or business. Ecoguards treatment aims to quickly and safely eliminate an infestation.

Where are bed bugs found?
Bed bugs, bed-bugs, or bedbugs are parasitic insects of the cimicid family that feed exclusively on blood. Cimex lectularius, the common bed bug, is the best known as it prefers to feed on human blood.
The name "bed bug" derives from the preferred habitat of: warm houses and especially near or inside beds and bedding or other sleep areas. Bed bugs are mainly active at night, but are not exclusively nocturnal. They usually feed on their hosts without being noticed.
A number of adverse health effects may result from bed bug bites, including skin rashes, psychological effects, and allergic symptoms.
Finding Bed Bugs
Certain signs and symptoms suggest the presence of bed bugs; finding the insects confirms the diagnosis.
If you have bed bugs in your house, the only thing on your mind will be getting rid of them as quickly as possible.
Bed bugs stay close to a food source, so are found where people tend to rest and sleep, hence the name bed bug.
The frustration they can cause is not only due to the emotional stress of dealing with parasites, but also the irritation of their bites and the potential for secondary infection from constant scratching.

- About the size of an apple seed (5-7 mm or 3/16 - 1/4 inch long)
- Long and brown, with a flat, oval-shaped body (if not fed recently)
- Balloon-like, reddish-brown, and more elongated (if fed recently)
- Characteristics of bed bugs include a beak with three segments; antenna that have four parts, wings that are not used for flying, and short, golden-colored hairs
- Smelly, with a odor produced through glands on the lower side of the bod
A Recent Resurgence
It is widely thought that this is related to a global increase in international travel (bed bugs are known to travel in luggage or clothing).
We understand how distressing bed bugs can be.
Call us on 07859 019 029 and we’ll get rid of your problem.
Bed Bug Life Cycle
Bed bugs develop from egg to adult via a process called gradual metamorphosis. This means the last larval stage develops directly into an adult without passing through a non-feeding pupal stage.
There are five larval stages, and each one requires a blood meal before molting into the next life cycle stage.
Both adult male and female bed bugs feed on blood and take repeated blood meals during their lives. Females require blood for the development of eggs.
The five larval stages are completed in about a month under suitable conditions of temperature, humidity, and availability of hosts for blood meals.
Larvae can survive inside dwellings for several months without a blood meal, but they do not molt into the next life cycle stage until they engorge on blood.
Adults can survive even longer under the same conditions, but, again, do not develop eggs unless they feed on blood.