Bee Nest Removal Throughout Essex And Suffolk.
We’re experts in the safe and efficient removal of bee nests and have over two decades experience to show for it.
Whether you’ve discovered a small swarm of bees at the back of your property, or an intimidating bee nest on the side of your business, don’t fret – our technicians know everything there is to know on removing bees.
Although viewed with a lot less disdain than wasps, bees can often produce real issues for properties of all sizes.
For commercial properties especially, a bee nest located in the vicinity of your business can cause real distress to customers.
With the help of Ecoguard bee removal services however, roaming bees no longer have to be a problem.

About Bees
Bees are flying insects closely related to wasps and ants, known for their role in pollination and, in the case of the best-known bee species, the European honey bee, for producing honey and beeswax.
Stingless Bees
Some species including honey bees, bumblebees, and stingless bees live socially in colonies. Bees are adapted for feeding on nectar and pollen, the former primarily as an energy source and the latter primarily for protein and other nutrients.
Importance Of Bees
Most pollen is used as food for larvae. Bee pollination is important both ecologically and commercially; the decline in wild bees has increased the value of pollination by commercially managed hives of honey bees.

Bee Lifecycle
The queen emerges from hibernation in early April and searches for a suitable site for her colony. Once one is located, she will lay her first batch of eggs and she will continue to lay eggs through until late summer.
The eggs laid during late summer are the ones that produce fertile males and queens. These will mate and the fertilised queens will fly away to select a suitable site to hibernate.
The eggs laid prior to this will have produced the sterile male and female worker bees or Drones that go to make up the rest of the colony. As the weather cools, the workers become slow and aggressive.
Colder weather and frost will kill off the workers and fertile males, leaving the new queens in hibernation, waiting to start their own colonies.
The life span of the honey bee is also determined by pollen consumption and protein abundance, as well as the honey bee’s level of activity.
Queens, who spend their lives laying eggs inside the hive, could live for several years; workers who labor during busy seasons cannot survive as long.
Bee Treatment
Swarm and Bee nest removal: Swarms are physically removed and this will NOT harm the bees. We are then able to re-home the whole swarm.
Hive removal: if bees have created their hive (the honey-comb nests) in your property, then this will need to be removed, failure to remove the nest can lead to much bigger problems.
The honey bees creation is made up of sugars which attract all sorts of other pests, if this is left in a cavity ceiling for example, it will rot and ants, flies and other creatures will begin to cause you problems as they attempt to feed from the sugar source.
The honey can also destroy plasterboard ceilings and cause damp problems. (This service is usually a lot more involved than a standard removal or extermination and therefore higher cost).
Extermination: if bees are in an area that cannot be easily access for bee nest removal then we apply a highly effective eradication treatment to the entry points of the nest, this will be in the form of a powder or spray and will kill them off very quickly.