Moth Control, Eradication and Extermination
The majority of moths in the UK (approx 2,400 species) are harmless, however a few are seen as pests due to the damage their larvae cause to materials, textiles and stored products.
Unlike other pests, moths pose you no health risks. Once inside your home or business, moths can severely damage natural fibres in carpets, clothes, fabrics, fur and even leather.
Moth caterpillars cause the damage by eating the protein (keratin) found in natural materials like wool, cotton and silk. This potentially puts your delicate items at particular risk of damage.

Moths Life Cycle
An adult Clothes Moth lives for about 2 – 3 weeks.
In that time the female will lay between 70 – 100 small white eggs.
After a few days the eggs hatch and the larvae start to feed.

The Hatching Stage
They spin a fine tube around themselves which gets covered in scraps of material and droppings.
This helps to protect her young.
Once the young have eaten their fill, they pupate, forming a shell-like structure within which they develop into adult moths.
Length of the lifecycle
The length of time between egg and adult moth depends on a number of factors.
Air temperature, quality of food and moisture in the air all play a part and the process could take anything up to a year.
If conditions are right, the life cycle should take about 63 days.
Moth Treatment
It is difficult to stop moths entering the home as they fly in through open windows and doors, but a thorough survey will reveal the source of the infestation.
Deep hoovering to prime locations like dark corners or under beds and furniture is required to remove the eggs and the application of a residual insecticide will eradicate the pest.
Using Environmentally Friendly Methods
When treating Clothes Moth infestations, we endeavour to use the most environmentally friendly products.
We ask customers to vacate their property for a few hours while the treatment is carried out to allow any residual insecticide spray to dry.